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A massive global shift to remote working environments has created an open season for cybercriminals. No business - big or small - is safe. Small and medium businesses (SMBs) seemingly have a target on their backs, so strengthening your company’s security posture is essential right now.

Think about it.

We practice fire drills and earthquake duck and cover drills. Shouldn’t we do the same to prepare for risk with similar catastrophic consequences? If your e-commerce system, website, email, or customer data was suddenly inaccessible because of an attack, would you be able to get back up and running within minutes, hours, days, or at all?

The official Cybersecurity benchmark from the government is called the “Essential Eight” and is a deep dive into how to protect Microsoft Windows-based internet-connected networks.

Today we are going to look at some of the KEY COMPONENTS of the Essential Eight, but it's important to remember this is not the full list and it is only a few highlighted items from the official Cybersecurity benchmark.

Use this checklist to be sure your critical business data is protected.

☑️ Control access to computers.

Use key cards or similar security measures to control access to facilities, and ensure that employees use strong passwords for laptops and desktops. Administrative privileges should only be given to trusted IT staff.

☑️ Know where your data resides.

Maintaining oversight of business data is an important piece of the security puzzle. The more places data exists, the more likely it is that unauthorised individuals will be able to access it. Avoid “shadow IT” with business-class SaaS applications that allow for corporate control of data.

☑️ Protect your network and devices.

- Implement a password policy that requires strong passwords that expire every 90 days.

- Implement multi-factor authentication.

- Deploy firewall, VPN and antivirus technologies to ensure your network and endpoints are not vulnerable to attacks. Ongoing network monitoring should also be considered essential.

- Encrypt hard drives.

☑️ Keep software up to date.

It is essential to use up-to-date software products and be vigilant about patch management. Cybercriminals exploit software vulnerabilities using a variety of tactics to gain access to computers and data.

☑️ Create straightforward cybersecurity policies.

Write and distribute a clear set of rules and instructions on cybersecurity practices for employees. This will vary from business to business but may include policies on social media use, bringing your own device, authentication requirements, etc.

☑️ Backup your data.

Daily backups are a requirement to recover from data corruption or loss resulting from security breaches. Consider using a modern data protection tool that takes incremental backups of data periodically throughout the day to prevent data loss.

☑️ Increase uptime.

Choose a modern data protection solution that enables “instant recovery” of data and applications. Application downtime can significantly impact your business's ability to generate revenue.

☑️ Train your employees.

Because cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, an ongoing semi-annual training plan should be implemented for all employees. This should include examples of threats, as well as instruction on security best practices (e.g. how to identify and deal with malicious emails). Hold employees accountable.

Partnering with a managed service provider will alleviate your cybersecurity concerns. Working with an MSP will give you access to quality advice on what technologies you need to protect your organisation in the fight against cybercrime.

Do a full audit today using the official Essential Eight benchmark or contact Interscale today to make sure your technology is working for you, not the other way around. Book now a no-obligation initial 15mins appointment with one of our experts.

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